This product is for experimental animal studies ONLY.
Whatʼs New!


Direct intracellular delivery.
Precise and accurate
“ベラ ジョン カジノ 入金 ボーナスechnology”

※Data shown above obtained from tests in large animals
※Above image

Our Actranza® lab. and its “ベラ ジョン カジノ 入金 ボーナスechnology” enables the precise control of speed and pressure of emitted energy, ejecting chemical fluid at 0.5msec and dispersing into the intradermal tissue (approx. 0.2mm deep) at 0.1sec.
Our sophisticated controlling technology enables drug delivery into the cell nucleus, effectively resulting gene expression.
Actranza® lab provides a simple, reliable alternative method of drug delivery with applications in emerging treatment modalities.

※Data shown above obtained from tests in large animals
ベラ ジョン カジノ 入金 ボーナス


Three Innovations
of Actranza® lab.

  1. 1Needle-less, high-speed injection DAISI made possible
  2. 2ベラ ジョン カジノ 入金 ボーナスo precisely deliver drug to the desired tissue
  3. 3Effective gene expression via intracellular delivery

What’s DAISI ?

What is the “One-Time Energy” that enables the innovative dosage system?

Our evolution to save more lives through the one-shot energetic force generated instantly, reliably, and safely.
DAISI = DAICEL Saving Innovation

ベラ ジョン カジノ 入金 ボーナスAISI supports the global safety and reassurance in automobile airbags, seatbelts and emergency evacuations from aircrafts.
Under critical situations where no malfunctions shall occur, our “One-Time Energy” have strived to save as many lives with our instant, reliable, and safe energy source.
We created a completely innovative value by applying ベラ ジョン カジノ 入金 ボーナスAISI’s feature of precise control of speed and pressure to ベラ ジョン カジノ 入金 ボーナスosage device.

Contact Us
ベラ ジョン カジノ 入金 ボーナスporation Medical Device Division
  • Actranza® lab.
  • Actranza. is a registered trademark of ベラ ジョン カジノ 入金 ボーナスporation in Japan and other countries.