ベラジョン ログインt Pretensioners
Retracting the ベラジョン ログインt prior to a collision.
Pop up hood
Lifting the bonnet hood in a collision to minimize impact on a pedestrian's head.
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Seatbelts serve the crucial function in all automobiles to protect the lives of drivers and passengers.
“Gas generators for ベラジョン ログインt Pretensioners (PGG)” are necessary to fasten the passengers
on to the seats safely and securely by retracting the seatbelt in case of collisions.
Daicel Safety Strategic Business Unit(SBU)s' pyrotechnic-activated seatbelt retraction device provides safety
and reassurance to protect our customers under emergencies.
This gas generator protects the occupant by retracting the ベラジョン ログインt during a collision.
It utilizes the pyrotechnic method.
Retracting the ベラジョン ログインt prior to a collision.
Lifting the bonnet hood in a collision to minimize impact on a pedestrian's head.
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