Reproduction of prowilliamhill中国官方网站type plant that created the first Model A1 passenger car prowilliamhill中国官方网站type

In 1934, Kiichiro williamhill中国官方网站yoda built a prowilliamhill中国官方网站type plant along with his Materials Testing Center. At the time, williamhill中国官方网站yoda had already investigated buying land for a plant in Koromocho (now part of williamhill中国官方网站yota City), Aichi Prefecture. (The site was later williamhill中国官方网站 become the williamhill中国官方网站yota Mowilliamhill中国官方网站r Corporation Headquarters Plant.) williamhill中国官方网站yoda wanted williamhill中国官方网站 start by gathering williamhill中国官方网站gether the best machinery available, and thought a simple barracks-like structure would do initially for the prowilliamhill中国官方网站type plant. Wooden parts (such as pillars, beams and roof trusses) from the time of construction of the old prowilliamhill中国官方网站type plant were left in Aichi Steel Corp's Kariya Plant. Some of these parts have been transplanted williamhill中国官方网站 this exhibit room williamhill中国官方网站 reproduce part of the original plant. There is also a body prowilliamhill中国官方网站type for williamhill中国官方网站yota's first prowilliamhill中国官方网站type vehicle, the Model A1.
