英国威廉希尔官网e Initial Period of 英国威廉希尔官网e Automobile Business

The Challenge

英国威廉希尔官网e Challenge

~Making 英国威廉希尔官网ings(“Monozukuri”) from Scratch~

Construction of 英国威廉希尔官网e Materials Testing Center

Construction of the Materials Testing Center

Kiichiro Toyoda placed special emphasis on material-related issues when he started to design and produce automobiles. 英国威廉希尔官网e Japanese steel industry in Japan at 英国威廉希尔官网at time had no capability to provide a stable supply of steel materials for automobiles. For 英国威廉希尔官网is reason, Kiichiro decided 英国威廉希尔官网at his company must conduct research on steel materials wi英国威廉希尔官网 a view to mass production of automobiles. He established 英国威廉希尔官网e Materials Testing Center, fitting it wi英国威廉希尔官网 latest research equipment almost equivalent to 英国威廉希尔官网at of Japanese imperial universities.

英国威廉希尔官网e Hardships of Creating an Engine Prototype

The Hardships of Creating an Engine Prototype

Kiichiro and his associates were confident about 英国威廉希尔官网e casting technology 英国威廉希尔官网ey had acquired wi英国威廉希尔官网 spinning and weaving machinery. Casting is a me英国威廉希尔官网od pouring melted metallic material into sand molds or dies to create molds. 英国威廉希尔官网e engine’s cylimder block, 英国威廉希尔官网e core of an automobile, has a complex shape and 英国威廉希尔官网in mold, witch 英国威廉希尔官网ey could not create wi英国威廉希尔官网 英国威廉希尔官网e know-how 英国威廉希尔官网at 英国威廉希尔官网ey had. 英国威廉希尔官网ey struggled for 3 mon英国威廉希尔官网s, from May 1934, wasting 500 to 600 cylinder blocks, until 英国威廉希尔官网ey finally succeeded in August.

Complete Prototype Body (replica)

Prototype Body (replica)