Daicel FineChem Ltd. ベラジョン the Art orally dispersible excipient system for food supplement tablets

Daicel FineChem Ltd. is pleased to announce that it has launched DiSPERZiSTA: State of the Art orally dispersible excipient system for food supplement tablets.

DiSPERZiSTA is a co-processed excipient designed to achieve compatibility with both high tablet hardness and rapid disintegration by the direct compression method of tablet production.
With this excipient, simply by adding the functional ingredients, sweeteners, flavorings and lubricants, tablets can be produced by direct compression.Due to rapid and complete water absorption, the tablet disintegrates within 30 seconds.All ingredients are classified as foods or food additives, and DiSPERZiSTA is categorized as food in Japan.

  • High performance due to sophisticated co-processed formulation
  • Simple manufacturing process (weighing, mixing, tableting...etc.)
  • No need for special equipment, only conventional equipment

ベラジョンup takes pride in providing the best solutions based on our unique technologies.
We contribute to a better society and an improved quality of life.

Contact information for purchase inquiries
Daicel FineChem Ltd.
Tokyo head office, WSP Marketing Dept.
Tel: +81-3-5643-3580

Contact information for technical inquiries
Daicel Corporation
R&D Headquarters, Market Development
Tel: +81-3-6711-8152

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