ベラ ジョン カジノ ログインration and Daicel FineChem Ltd. to participate in the ifia JAPAN 2016

ベラ ジョン カジノ ログインration and Daicel FineChem Ltd will be exhibiting for the ifia JAPAN 2016 to be held from May 18 (Wed) to the 20 (Fri) at Tokyo Big Sight.

Exhibition Name ifia JAPAN 2016
Company Name ベラ ジョン カジノ ログインration/Daicel FineChem Ltd.
Dates May 18 (Wed)-20 (Fri), 2016
Venue Tokyo Big Sight
Booth West Hall 1・2 EF836
Products We will introduce Functional food ingredients: β-cryptoxanthin, Arabinose N, Konjac ceramide and Hanabiratake. A high performance orally dispersible excipient system for food supplement tablets: DiSPERZiSTA, newly developing gelatinizing agent.
Official Exhibition website http://www.ifiajapan.com/2016/en/index.html

ベラ ジョン カジノ 違法ration

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